Real Reptiles brings the excitement of the animal kingdom directly to schools with our engaging and educational programs! We offer a variety of options, including classroom presentations, school assemblies, and all-day events tailored to fit your schedule.
School assembly programs typically last about an hour and are perfect for larger groups, while our all-day events can be customized to run as long as needed, ensuring plenty of time for everyone to enjoy the experience.
Each program begins with a fascinating presentation showcasing a diverse selection of reptiles, including snakes, lizards, turtles, tortoises, and crocodilians. After introducing these amazing creatures, we open the floor for questions, giving students a chance to satisfy their curiosity and deepen their understanding of reptiles.
To make the experience even more memorable, we conclude by allowing everyone to safely touch a few of our animal ambassadors, creating a hands-on connection that leaves a lasting impression. Subject to time constraints and the number of participants
We provide all the necessary equipment and only require access to a nearby electrical outlet and an audience eager to learn and have fun! Let Real Reptiles bring the wonder of the natural world to your school for a day of education, excitement, and unforgettable memories.